Providing a solid foundation is the promise of a great future, from infants through high school.
9:15 AM
- Room #1/2: Nursery (0-4 years old): Sonja Rains/Cara Ralmuto
- Room #3: School Age (K-5th): Donna Brown
- Room #6/upstairs youth: Older School Age (6-12th): Leilani Matlack
10:30 AM
To help you & your children have a meaningful worship experience, caring workers will lead children in their own service.
- Room #1-2: 0-2 years old
- Room #4: 3-5 years old
- Room #3: 1st-5th grade
For more information about Grace Kidz, please contact:
Becky Charpentier at becky(at)burlesonbiblechurch.org for babies and toddlers.
Kati Thompson at kati(at)burlesonbiblechurch.org for children kindergarten through 5th grade.
Our AWANA ministry meets every Sunday from 4-6pm during the regular school year. Click here for more information.