Romans 8:26-27 The Apostle Paul famously wrote, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” The truth is that all of us are weak in these sin-riddled bodies we inhabit. The wonderful truth is that when we are weak, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us to help us in our weakness. That help starts with prayer. Prayer is the greatest way to communicate to God that we truly are weak and in need of His strength. This Sunday we will…
James 1:2-18 We live in a broken world and we are broken people. Things happen that are out of our control − bad things. We lose a promotion. We lose a friend. We lose our health. Fortunately, as Charlie reminded us last week if we have believed Jesus’ promise of everlasting life, we have it! That’s good because we could not have earned it. Jesus paid it all − it is finished, complete. One day Jesus will make this broken…
John 19:30 This Sunday we are privileged to have Charlie Bing bring us a message from John 19:30. Charlie writes, “Of Jesus Christ’s seven last sayings on the cross, “It is finished!” is surely the most profound. Understanding what Jesus meant with this saying can encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and clear up bad theology about the gospel of salvation.” Join us for this wonderful message of truth.
It is the Mission of Burleson Bible Church to glorify God by worshiping Him, bringing believers to maturity, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community and the world.
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