Sermons by Gary Armstrong

Sermons by Gary Armstrong

In The Grip of Grace

Romans 8:38-39  Romans 8:38-39 expresses the profound assurance that nothing can separate believers from the love of God. The Apostle Paul lists various things—death, life, angels, demons, present or future events, powers, height, depth, or any created thing—to emphasize that God’s love, as demonstrated through Christ, is unbreakable. Join us this Sunday to be reassured that we are secure in our position in God’s love, no matter the challenges we face.

The Greatness Of God

Romans 8:31-37 Romans 8:31-37 reveals the unmatched greatness of God in His unwavering love and power. No force or opposition can stand against us if God is for us. His greatness is demonstrated in His willingness to give His own Son for our salvation, showing that He would withhold nothing for our good. God’s love is so vast that no hardship, persecution, or danger can separate us from it. In Christ, we are more than conquerors, as God’s eternal power and…

Election Sermon 2024

Ezekiel 33:1–5 As Christians, we have a dual citizenship. Though this world is not our permanent home and our future lies in Heaven, we still have this temporary home on Earth where we are called to be good stewards. This November, the country will vote on the next president of the United States of America. Do you know why you should vote and the principles that should influence how you vote? This Sunday we will take a look at God’s Word…

God Is In Control

Romans 8:28-30 This is a foundational reminder to the faithful that God is working all things together for good. With all the chaos in our world today, it can be easy to forget this truth. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God is in control. Join us this Sunday as we unpack Romans 8:28-30 and be encouraged in the sovereign control of our faithful God. 

Following Jesus

What does it mean to follow Jesus? In a word, obedience. It means learning to be with Jesus, to be like Jesus, and to live as Jesus lived. This Sunday, we will explore what it means to follow Jesus with our lives and see several believers who have chosen to follow Jesus in water baptism.

Why Be Baptized?

Few subjects have been as misunderstood in the church as the topic of water baptism. Questions about who should be baptized, when it should happen, and what it means often arise around this subject. This Sunday, we will bring clarity to the topic of water baptism and discuss its vital importance in the Christian life.

Interceding For The Needy

Romans 8:26-27 The Apostle Paul famously wrote, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” The truth is that all of us are weak in these sin-riddled bodies we inhabit. The wonderful truth is that when we are weak, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us to help us in our weakness. That help starts with prayer. Prayer is the greatest way to communicate to God that we truly are weak and in need of His strength. This Sunday we will…

Hope In Suffering

Romans 8:18-25  Suffering is an unavoidable part of life. We all experience it in different ways, and it can profoundly affect our perspectives on both God and ourselves. In Romans 8:18-25, the Apostle Paul provides a biblical perspective on suffering in our current age. He explains that suffering has a purpose—God uses it in our lives to bring ultimate praise to His glory and ours.

Abba Father

Romans 8:15-17 In our journey to mature in Christ, it’s crucial to know that we have a faithful Father, God Almighty, who is always with us. He loves us and is there for us every step of the way. This Sunday, we will learn about how our faithful Father is someone we can rely on as dependent children, especially during difficult times in life.

Time To Grow Up!

Romans 8:12-14 Many Christians, after experiencing the new birth, do not mature in their faith. This results in a multitude of Christian infants who lack the spiritual maturity to fully embrace the abundant life that a growing faith in Jesus Christ offers. In Romans 8:12-13, the apostle Paul outlines both the benefits of spiritual growth and the consequences of remaining immature in Christ. This Sunday, we will explore why it is crucial for many believers to grow up in their faith.

Life In The Spirit

Romans 8:9-11 As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the incredible blessing of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. All that we need for life and godliness is already ours because of God’s gracious gift of His indwelling presence. Because of God, we have life! This Sunday we will see the many benefits of having life in the Spirit. 

The Peace From Pleasing God

Romans 8:5-8 Our world today is characterized by unrest, a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation. From the crisis in Israel to the strife in Washington, to the struggles within our own families and even in our hearts, unrest seems to reign. But there is a peace that God offers that is in stark contrast to the unrest in our world. A peace that God says passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7,9). This peace is only found in Christ Jesus and…