God’s church has long been handicapped by the word “volunteer.” While there is something very noble about the word and role, in truth there are no volunteers in God’s church. Based on each believers unique design and spiritual gift, God has designated a ministry and service role for every disciple. There is no junior varsity. No B-team. Every role and every person is critical to the unity, impact, and health of the church family.

The church is a body. Just like our physical bodies, if a limb or organ is missing, broken or weak, the entire body will fail to operate to its fullest potential. It may get by, but not without a limp. As a body the church also needs diverse parts that serve in a variety of functions. There is a role for everyone who calls Burleson Bible Church their family. Aligning your spiritual gifts with your service role in the church is major part of Christian discipleship.

Scriptures to Read & Study

  • Matthew 20:25-28
  • John 13:1-16
  • Acts 6:1-7
  • Romans 12:1-8
  • 1 Corinthians 12:14-26
  • Galatians 5:13-26
  • Colossians 3:23-24

Thought and Discussion Questions

  • When have you experienced the joy of serving someone else?
  • What is the depth of your involvement and investment in the life of your church family?
  • What are your spiritual gifts?
  • How could you use your gifts to serve the church?
  • In your opinion, what are the some of the greatest needs of your church family?
  • How can you help meet those needs?

Next Steps

Visit the sign up page on our website to explore the different ways you can serve.