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Elijah’s Victory Or Defeat?

1 Kings 2-19 The national and international events of the past few years, if not the past days, remind us again that we live in uncertain days. On a more personal level, our prayer requests show that as well. We never know what calamity might overtake us. Our perception of God has a great deal to do with how we react to whatever comes today or tomorrow. The lessons from the events of Elijah’s life found in 1 Kings 2-19…

Thorn Crusher

Hebrews 12:1-4 This Sunday we are pleased to have Joe Allen bring a message from God’s Word. Joe Allen, after pastoring for thirty years, now serves as the Campus Pastor at Dallas Theological Seminary. Join us Sunday as he brings a message from Hebrews 12. “The Christian life is a race. How do we enter the race? How do we run the race? How do we win the race?”

Praise, Proclaim and Pray

Psalm 35:27-28 say, “May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, “The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.” My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.” This Sunday, we will take a break from the “norm” and center our worship service around praising God through song, proclaiming His wondrous works through testimonies, and pray for Him to continue His work in and through BBC. You will not want to miss this blessed…

Search For Truth Ministries

This Sunday morning we welcome our special guest, Bruce Malone from Search for the Truth Ministries. He will be sharing on the Awe of God. He will be speaking in both the Adult Bible Fellowship at 9:15am and our 10:30am worship service. One of the main causes of losing the younger generation is the absence of the sense of awe towards God, which is often diminished during their education. Explore the lesser-known characteristics of amazing creatures and learn why it is scientifically…

Do Your Duty!

Do Your Duty!Matthew 5:1-20 The world around us is going crazy – war in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, the collapse of traditional values, the divisiveness of an election year. What is a believer to do? How is a believer to live? Join us as we look at Jesus’ instructions to His disciples in Matthew 5:1-20 which are as applicable today as when He spoke them.

The Gift Of Life

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Life is a gift from God. Oftentimes, we take life for granted. We live as if we have all the time in the world. But, the reality is, every day and every breath is a gift from The Father of Creation.  This Easter Sunday, let’s celebrate the gift of life; both physical and spiritual. Both are gifts from God that continue to give us hope and meaning each day of our existence. Let’s celebrate the living Savior who has conquered death for us and…

Jesus’ Passion For You

1 Peter 2:21-24, Isaiah 53:3-6 Passion Week. What exactly is Passion Week? Passion Week is so named because of the passion with which Jesus willingly went to the cross in order to pay for the sins of the world. We’ve never seen a greater display of passion than in this week in this man, Jesus Christ. But remember, His passion was for you and me. This Sunday, Palm Sunday, we will look at the Passion of Jesus Christ in suffering and dying…

Jesus Emptied For You

Philippians 2:5-8 In Philippians we are told that Jesus “emptied Himself.” This passage is known as the kenosis of Christ based on the Greek word kenoo which means “to empty.” But what did He empty Himself of and for what reason? The answer will help us understand the great love of Christ who condescended for us to be our sympathetic High Priest and Savior. 

Jesus Arrived For You

As we set our sights on Easter, we look forward to celebrating the wonderful truth of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead for us. However, Jesus’ resurrection was just one of the reasons He came to earth for us. Jesus came to earth for many reasons that culminated in His resurrection and ascension. Why did Jesus come to our world in the first place? He had a purpose and it reveals just how wonderful the loving heart of our Savior truly…

With All, Get Understanding

We are excited to welcome Dick Lynch back to BBC. In 1992, Dick and Eckie Lynch became the third missionary couple supported by BBC. Dick, as a part of Wycliffe Bible Translators, works at the Dallas International University where their mission is to translate the Bible in countries where God’s Word doesn’t exist. Dick serves as the Director of Institutional Research and Services. He will bring a message titled, “With All, Get Understanding.“

New Year New You

Philippians 3:12-14 As we anticipate the arrival of a new year, it’s common for us to approach it without a fresh sense of hope or eagerness for the imminent return of our Savior, the ultimate Rescuer. Our default inclination is to regard life with a “business as usual” mindset, persisting in familiar routines without a heightened awareness of the transformative power of Christ. Yet, this is not the spirit that Christ envisions for our lives. Instead, He invites us to…