Sermons by Rob Matlack

Sermons by Rob Matlack

Do Your Duty!

Do Your Duty!Matthew 5:1-20 The world around us is going crazy – war in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, the collapse of traditional values, the divisiveness of an election year. What is a believer to do? How is a believer to live? Join us as we look at Jesus’ instructions to His disciples in Matthew 5:1-20 which are as applicable today as when He spoke them.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Join us this Sunday as we take a deep and meaningful look into one of the best well-known Christmas Carols of our day. Rob Matlack will tie in the scriptures that provide the foundation of this song and the message we need to keep in mind during this season of Christmas! 

One Reason To Pray

Jeremiah 29:11-14; Habakkuk 3:17-18 We are familiar with the Jeremiah passage that speaks of the plan God had for the Israelites. Does this passage apply to us in the same way it did when it was written? We know God has a purpose for each of us, yet what should our response be to God as we live out our days? Join us this Sunday as Rob Matlack brings us a timely message, giving us One Reason To Pray. 

Dangerous Days Because Of Dangerous Dudes

2 Timothy 3:16-4:4 How important is the Bible to our practical, daily life? Is it primarily the way to believe the message of eternal life through Jesus, the Christ? What do we think about the Bible? Does it really matter day to day? If so, why? Paul seems to parallel some of his thoughts in Romans 1:18-32 when he writes his last letter to Timothy. And, I think the rest of the Bible confirms his opinion.

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple

Psalm 11 Rob Matlack brings us a timely message from Psalm 11. Despite all of the national and world issues we currently face, we are reminded that our confidence can only be found in our God, the One who reigns in His holy temple.