Sermons by Jaris Roth

Sermons by Jaris Roth

This Is Thanksgiving

This Sunday we have a very special service of Thanksgiving. Our worship will focus on our gratefulness to God.  God’s Word will lead our thoughts and through songs we will offer up a blessing of praise together. We look forward to seeing you Sunday! “And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.”1 Chronicles 29:13

He Is Worthy!

Philippians 1:12-18 The biggest accomplishments in life take hard work, sometimes pain, and usually a great deal of time. As we endure challenges along the way, we may question ourselves and ask, “Is it really worth it?” Sometimes it’s not, and we quit. But then there are those things that, for us, have tremendous value and we are more determined to finish strong. Join us this Sunday as we reflect on the worthiness of Christ and how it not only…