Sermons from February 2024
Living The Grace Life
Romans 5:15-21 Last week, we heard a lot about sin and death. We learned of the pitiful condition of mankind apart from his Creator. It’s all bad news without any hope. BUT, the story doesn’t end there! Because in the first verse of Romans 5:15 is BUT the free gift is not like the transgression. This week we will focus our attention on the reason Jesus came to earth to undo all Adam and the human race have done through sin. You won’t want…
Does Jesus Reign Supreme?
Romans 5:12-21 You may have heard the expression, “If Jesus is not Lord of all, He’s not Lord at all!” The expression is usually directed at people who claim to be believers but whose lives are not characterized by the “Lordship” or rule of Jesus. That may sound spiritual on the surface, but does it have support from the Bible. In Romans chapter 5 verses 12-21, the Apostle Paul helps us understand how all the world is under the rule of either sin…
Love Like No Other
Romans 5:5-10 According to an article from NASA, “Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.” NASA and Jamestown Education Module I imagine that most of us would like to add to this list. Sure, maybe humans can “survive”, physically with these basic needs, but surely humans want to do more than merely survive. Yet, when we look around our world, country, city, churches, and even…
Faith, Peace, And Glory
Romans 5:1-5 Believers in Jesus Christ by faith alone in Christ alone, have been forever justified before God, the righteous judge. However, we know this is not the only benefit we receive when we believe. Our faith unlocks a plethora of spiritual blessings that God offers all of His children. In Romans 5, Paul transitions from his explanation of eternal justification by faith alone apart from works, to the benefits that flow from this justification. When all is said and done, we…