Sermons from October 2024

Sermons from October 2024

In The Grip of Grace

Romans 8:38-39  Romans 8:38-39 expresses the profound assurance that nothing can separate believers from the love of God. The Apostle Paul lists various things—death, life, angels, demons, present or future events, powers, height, depth, or any created thing—to emphasize that God’s love, as demonstrated through Christ, is unbreakable. Join us this Sunday to be reassured that we are secure in our position in God’s love, no matter the challenges we face.

The Greatness Of God

Romans 8:31-37 Romans 8:31-37 reveals the unmatched greatness of God in His unwavering love and power. No force or opposition can stand against us if God is for us. His greatness is demonstrated in His willingness to give His own Son for our salvation, showing that He would withhold nothing for our good. God’s love is so vast that no hardship, persecution, or danger can separate us from it. In Christ, we are more than conquerors, as God’s eternal power and…