Sermons by Gary Armstrong (Page 11)
1 Mission: Get Right
2 Corinthians 5:17-19 What is our mission in life? Why are we still allowed to live and breathe and have our being? For what purpose did God save us, call us, and leave us here on this sin-sick rock we call earth? This Sunday, we will explore the answer to these questions and hone in on the “What” of our One Mission.
1 Mission: Get Busy
1 Corinthians 15:50-58 God tells us through the Apostle Paul, “Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be firm, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” Living out our faith is work. It’s labor. It’s actually hard work that doesn’t end until we meet our Master. This can be discouraging to hear at times as we consider the amount of work that needs to be done and how…
The Gospel of Grace, Part 2
If grace is an unearned and undeserved endless gift of God, what’s the believers motivation for godly living? Why not just live for ourselves and receive that endless grace? This Sunday, we’ll continue our study on the Gospel of Grace and find out why grace is a stewardship.
The Gospel Of Grace
The Gospel of Grace What is so amazing about grace? This Sunday we will discover the message of the Gospel of Grace that continues to save the lost and motive the saved. This would be a great time to invite someone who is need of a heavy dose of God’s amazing grace.
The Gospel Of Light
John 1:1-9 We are inundated with messages on a daily basis. Text messages alert us to the questions and needs of friends and loved ones. Emails notify us of something that needs our attention. Phone applications signal the delivery of packages or even the evening meal at our door. With all the messages we receive from day to day, what is the one message we should most anticipate? What is the one message the world needs to hear most? This…
Christ Jesus the Judge – Going for Gold
2 Corinthians 5:9-10 Most people embrace the idea of Jesus as a Savior. Less people like the idea of Jesus as Lord and King. Almost no one likes to talk about Jesus as a Judge! Yet, that is exactly who He is and His role as judge plays an absolutely critical part in living out our present Christian life. This Sunday, we will explore what it means that Jesus is our judge, and how we can prepare now to…
1 Man – Christ Jesus the King
Matthew 6:19-33 Jesus asked His disciples, “But who do you yourselves say that I am?” That’s a good question for all of us who claim to be followers of Jesus. This Sunday we will look at Christ Jesus the King. Not just “the” King, but our King. Sure, Jesus rules the world, and He is sovereign over the universe, but does He rule our hearts and lives?
1 Man – Christ Jesus
The most influential and controversial person of history is Jesus Christ. There’s rarely a place on the planet where His name is not known. Yet, even His closest followers knew very little about Him. Is Jesus still the most influential person in history? Is He still Lord of the Church? Is He still sovereign over the universe? Is He still the most influential person in your life? How we understand and relate to Jesus Christ directs every aspect of our…
God’s Love Language
John 14:21-24 This Sunday we are excited to welcome Gary and Chela Armstrong to BBC. Gary will be speaking from John 14 on the Love Language of God and what it means to walk in intimacy with Him through obedience.