Sermons by Gary Armstrong (Page 3)

Sermons by Gary Armstrong (Page 3)

Jesus Arrived For You

As we set our sights on Easter, we look forward to celebrating the wonderful truth of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead for us. However, Jesus’ resurrection was just one of the reasons He came to earth for us. Jesus came to earth for many reasons that culminated in His resurrection and ascension. Why did Jesus come to our world in the first place? He had a purpose and it reveals just how wonderful the loving heart of our Savior truly…

Living The Grace Life

Romans 5:15-21 Last week, we heard a lot about sin and death. We learned of the pitiful condition of mankind apart from his Creator. It’s all bad news without any hope. BUT, the story doesn’t end there! Because in the first verse of Romans 5:15 is BUT the free gift is not like the transgression.  This week we will focus our attention on the reason Jesus came to earth to undo all Adam and the human race have done through sin. You won’t want…

Does Jesus Reign Supreme?

Romans 5:12-21 You may have heard the expression, “If Jesus is not Lord of all, He’s not Lord at all!” The expression is usually directed at people who claim to be believers but whose lives are not characterized by the “Lordship” or rule of Jesus.  That may sound spiritual on the surface, but does it have support from the Bible. In Romans chapter 5 verses 12-21, the Apostle Paul helps us understand how all the world is under the rule of either sin…

Love Like No Other

Romans 5:5-10 According to an article from NASA, “Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.” NASA and Jamestown Education Module I imagine that most of us would like to add to this list. Sure, maybe humans can “survive”, physically with these basic needs, but surely humans want to do more than merely survive.  Yet, when we look around our world, country, city, churches, and even…

Faith, Peace, And Glory

Romans 5:1-5 Believers in Jesus Christ by faith alone in Christ alone, have been forever justified before God, the righteous judge. However, we know this is not the only benefit we receive when we believe. Our faith unlocks a plethora of spiritual blessings that God offers all of His children.  In Romans 5, Paul transitions from his explanation of eternal justification by faith alone apart from works, to the benefits that flow from this justification. When all is said and done, we…

The God Of The Impossible

Romans 4:13-25 John Bertram Phillips or, J. B. Phillips (16 September 1906 – 21 July 1982) was an English Bible scholar, translator, author and clergyman. He wrote a book in 1952 entitled, “Your God is Too Small.”  The idea expressed is that many people struggle to conceive a powerful God in light of their current circumstances. The God we have come to know is too small to help in light of the big issues we face in life.  Yet, the…

Blessed Are The Forgiven

Romans 4:4-12 Oftentimes as Christians, we seek the forgiveness of God for wrongs done. We sense our need for the removal of guilt and the infusion of God’s love and mercy. However, the way in which we hope to receive that forgiveness resembles more of a transaction where we do our part and God does His. We weep over our sin, we determine to do better or try harder, or we make a bargain with God that we hope will bring His…

Faith + Nothing = Everything

Romans 4:1-6 As Christians, we are a people of faith. We believe in the Creator God and His Son, Jesus Christ. As a people of faith, it is important to understand the role of faith in our salvation, as well as our sanctification.  Many people today, including Christians, misunderstand the basis on which we were saved. In Romans 4, the Apostle Paul lays out a detailed argument for the truth that all the world is saved on the basis of faith…

New Year New You

Philippians 3:12-14 As we anticipate the arrival of a new year, it’s common for us to approach it without a fresh sense of hope or eagerness for the imminent return of our Savior, the ultimate Rescuer. Our default inclination is to regard life with a “business as usual” mindset, persisting in familiar routines without a heightened awareness of the transformative power of Christ. Yet, this is not the spirit that Christ envisions for our lives. Instead, He invites us to…

No Stranger To The Manger

Luke 2:4-7, 11-12 In this season of reflection and celebration, we often find ourselves surrounded by the warm glow of lights, the melodies of carols, and the joyful anticipation of Christ’s birth. However, amidst the festive atmosphere, it’s crucial for us to delve deeper into the very heart of the Christmas narrative, where a simple manger becomes the cradle for the greatest gift the world has ever known. The purpose of the manger extends far beyond its functional use as…

Jesus Is The Reason

As we celebrate the Christmas Season, Gary brings an important reminder to us that Jesus is the reason, not only for this season, but for our lives in Him.

The True Meaning Of Christmas

The True Meaning of ChristmasMatthew 1:21 “Are you ready for Christmas?” A question I have asked many people over the last several days. To which many have responded, “NO!”  It seems like every year Christmas comes and goes in a flurry of activity. In the hustle of buying gifts, decorating, and planning the meal, the reason for the season seems to get lost. Maybe this year will be different?  In order to “let every heart prepare Him room” we must…