Sermons by Gary Armstrong (Page 7)

Sermons by Gary Armstrong (Page 7)

The Love Of God At Christmas

Luke 2:8-14  What am opportunity we have this Sunday to worship our Messiah on the day we celebrate His birth! Join us Christmas morning as we discover what the angels announced that first Christmas morning, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.”

Jesus: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Isaiah 9:6 I imagine that many of us will sit around the Christmas tree this year and open gifts from our family and friends. Oftentimes, the gifts we give and receive only bring joy and excitement for a time. Actually, some gifts may even be returned because we see no real value in them. Not so with Jesus, God’s gift to the world! When a person receives Jesus as a gift from God, they not only receive eternal life in Heaven, but they…

Gifts To Give Jesus At Christmas

Revelation 4:11 Every Christmas season people all over the country give gifts to their friends and loved ones. So much research, planning, time and money go into getting the perfect gift for those we love. But, isn’t Christmas Jesus’ birthday? Should we not consider what gifts Jesus might love to receive from us on His birthday? This Sunday, we will look at Revelation four and see three gifts that Jesus would love to receive from His followers.

Stand Up Or Shrink Away

1 Peter 3:18-22 What does living out our faith as a believer look like today? In what ways will people identify us as a follower of Jesus? Would anyone know we were a follower of Jesus by observing our life? Living a life of growing faith in an ever increasing hostile world is not only important but imperative. Jesus calls us as His followers to stand up and be counted and to not shrink away when hardships come. This Sunday, we…

Lest We Forget, Part 2

Deuteronomy 8 There is always a danger in our difficult times to remember how God has delivered us in the past. We must always recall those times and thank God for the ways He has rescued us. But there is also a danger when times are good to remember that God is the One who provides all we have and need. This week we will conclude this two-part series from Deuteronomy 8 and see how God wants us to respond…

Lest We Forget

Deuteronomy 8 Thankful? As we approach our national Thanksgiving Holiday, many of us are turning our thoughts to God in remembrance of all the great things He has done for us. In order to be thankful for things God has done for us, one has to stop and reflect on those past times when God showed Himself faithful. Stopping and reflecting though, is not something many of us take time to do in our fast paced lives. For the next two Sundays, we…

Do Gooders Wanted

1 Peter 3:13-17 God is Good! So, as ambassadors of a good God we must be engaged in doing good to others, so that God’s name is glorified and His will is accomplished on earth. Well, what does that look like in 2022? This Sunday, we will dive into 1 Peter 3:13-17 and see what Peter has to say about doing good in such a way that people take notice and God’s will is accomplished.

Vibe Life

1 Peter 3:8-12 That’s right! The Good Vibes continue this Sunday! We will conclude Peter’s thoughts on how to live the Vibe Life. As recipients of the greatest gift ever given, eternal life in Jesus Christ, we should always have positive feelings about who we are and what we’ve been given. So, are you living the Vibe Life? Join us this Sunday to see how you can live the Vibe Life God intends all His children to live!

Good Vibes Only

1 Peter 3:8-12 Have you ever been around a person who was full of life? Someone who always has a kind word to say or sees the bright side of things? Aren’t those people annoying? Actually, the world needs more of these “good vibes only” people today. In fact, the church could use more of these types of believers. We should all be “good vibes only” people when we consider the kind of people God calls us to in 1 Peter…

Hunky Husband

1 Peter 3:7 Being a “Hunky” Husband means being a godly husband. Many husbands struggle to live up to expectations placed on us and oftentimes feel inadequate. Rather than strive to be the husband God calls us to be, we retreat into our own skin and simply just exist. When we do this, we not only suffer and miss out on God’s best for our wives and children but our families miss out on all that God has in store…

God’s Power Couple

1 Peter 3:3-7 Wikipedia defines a power couple as; power couple – noun- a couple consisting of two people who are each influential or successful in their own right.  Most Christian couples would never consider themselves a “power couple”. Yet, that is exactly what we can be by God’s divine enablement. We can be God’s Power Couple when we tap into His power and plan for our marriages. When we do, our influence will be experienced by all who observe our lives.

Winning in Marriage

1 Peter 3:1-7 What is the key to a successful marriage? This may be the most asked question and researched subject in all of history! Why? Because, what seems to be true in most marriages today, generally speaking, is that husbands and wives live lonely, unfulfilled marital lives. The dreams of marital bliss that captured the imaginations of so many hopeful couples, within a few years of marriage, turn into nightmares of reality that marriage is hard, marriage is work,…