Sermons from June 2023
Truth, Lies, & Reality
Romans 1:18-25 Pilate, when confronting Jesus on His claim to testify to the truth exclaimed, “What is truth!” In our day, many people believe that ultimate truth is unknowable, especially truth related to the origin of man or the universe. God says otherwise. Knowing the truth about our Creator and His design for life is not only imperative, but expected. Without a proper understanding of who we are and why God created us and for what purpose, life will be a…
Power To Save
Romans 1:16-17 Salvation means a lot of things to a lot of people. But for the believer in Jesus, it means everything. We understand that we have been eternally saved from the damning consequences of our sins. This is the crux of the Gospel message. There is another way that Christians can experience salvation though, and that is through the power of Jesus working in us to save us from experiencing God’s discipline (wrath) for our daily sins as we walk this…
The Gospel Family, Part 2
The Gospel Family Part 2Romans 1:11-15 We are an eternal family. Those are the facts! So, as a family that will exist through eternity, it would serve us all well to know how our mutual Father desires us to function in our family. Last week we saw how we are to thank God and pray for one another. Paul continues to share more ways that we can be the Gospel Family our Father has called us to be.
The Gospel Family
Is the Gospel uniting the Church? Is the Gospel uniting our church? The Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed to unite God to man through the sacrifice of His Son. But, it is also given to unite the family of God with one another. So, now that the Gospel has united us with our Heavenly Father, how is our heavenly family dynamic on earth going? the Apostle Paul “longed” to see and be with his church family in Rome. He…