

The Great Commission Is A Group Project

Romans 15:15-24 This Sunday we are honored to have Paul Rushing bring a message from Romans 15. Join us as we hear how we all play a part in the Christ to all people. Paul and Cindy Rushing serve with Christar ministries as long and short term missionary mobilizers. They are BBC’s first home-grown missionaries.

New Year. (Re)New You

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the Lord’s blessings throughout the year and look forward to all He has in store for us in 2025. May the new year bring glory to God and renewal to you.

Poverty Of The Prince

Luke 2:1-5 Most of us will celebrate Christmas with extravagance by the world’s standards, especially here in America where we are abundantly blessed. But when Jesus came to us, He came in abject poverty. There was no extravagance, no luxury, no royal treatment. He came poor and naked so that we might enjoy the riches of His grace. What a Savior!

The Good News of Christmas

Luke 2:8-20 When God broke His silence after 400 years, He delivered a message that would change the world: good news of great joy for all people, which would come in the form of a baby in a manger. This Sunday, we will explore the incredible significance of Jesus’ birth as the long-awaited Messiah.

The Gift Of Hope

Isaiah 9:6-7 Hope is a central theme at Christmas, reminding us that amidst the darkness of the world, God has provided light and salvation through the birth of Jesus Christ. The story of Christmas unfolds the fulfillment of ancient promises, demonstrating that God’s timing and plans are perfect. Of all the gifts we have, hope certainly is the greatest.

Thanks For Giving

2 Corinthians 8 & 9 We are grateful to have Charlie Bing bring a message from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Charlie will show us how experiencing God’s grace produces thanks and giving. God’s grace motivates generous giving, which God honors by giving us more to share. This brings thanks to God, deeper love, and prayers for all. Join us Sunday as Charlie challenges us to give generously out of faith that God will provide.

In The Homeschool Of Grace

Titus 2:11-15 This Sunday we welcome back our missionaries, Fred and Ruby Amoah-Darko from Ghana, Africa. Fred is the Regional Director (Africa & Middle East) for Ambassadors For Christ International. Fred will be sharing a message from the Book of Titus. If you have not yet met Fred and Ruby, please take a moment and introduce yourself and find out more about their ministry.

Election Sermon 2024

Ezekiel 33:1–5 As Christians, we have a dual citizenship. Though this world is not our permanent home and our future lies in Heaven, we still have this temporary home on Earth where we are called to be good stewards. This November, the country will vote on the next president of the United States of America. Do you know why you should vote and the principles that should influence how you vote? This Sunday we will take a look at God’s Word…

Following Jesus

What does it mean to follow Jesus? In a word, obedience. It means learning to be with Jesus, to be like Jesus, and to live as Jesus lived. This Sunday, we will explore what it means to follow Jesus with our lives and see several believers who have chosen to follow Jesus in water baptism.

Why Be Baptized?

Few subjects have been as misunderstood in the church as the topic of water baptism. Questions about who should be baptized, when it should happen, and what it means often arise around this subject. This Sunday, we will bring clarity to the topic of water baptism and discuss its vital importance in the Christian life.

Moving Toward Wholeness

James 1:2-18 We live in a broken world and we are broken people. Things happen that are out of our control − bad things. We lose a promotion. We lose a friend. We lose our health. Fortunately, as Charlie reminded us last week if we have believed Jesus’ promise of everlasting life, we have it! That’s good because we could not have earned it. Jesus paid it all − it is finished, complete. One day Jesus will make this broken…

Paid In Full

John 19:30 This Sunday we are privileged to have Charlie Bing bring us a message from John 19:30. Charlie writes, “Of Jesus Christ’s seven last sayings on the cross, “It is finished!” is surely the most profound. Understanding what Jesus meant with this saying can encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and clear up bad theology about the gospel of salvation.” Join us for this wonderful message of truth.