

Magnifying Christ

Philippians 1:19-20 So far in the book of Philippians, we have seen how the Apostle Paul has prayed for the believers in Philippi. Now, in verses 19-20, Paul expresses how they can pray for him! When you find yourself in desperate circumstances, do you pray? Do you ask others to pray for you? What specifically do you pray for? For Paul, his prayer request reveals what the heart of a devoted follower of Christ looks like—someone who wants to magnify Christ.

Opportunity Knocks

Philippians 1:12-18 As followers of Jesus, we should make the Gospel central in our lives. God has commissioned us as His children to spread the message of Christ to the world. Many believers think this requires a specific “call” to a particular people group or nation, or that special training is necessary to become an evangelist. However, this is not true. There are countless opportunities for every believer to share the life-changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The key…

Cracked Pot Christians

Philippians 1:10-11 In life, we often want others to think the very best of us. We may go to great lengths to hide our flaws in an effort to make a good impression. However, the reality is that we are all imperfect people, even as Christians. God’s desire is not for us to conceal our shortcomings, but to openly acknowledge them so that we can receive the grace and help we need to overcome them. The Christian life is not about…

How To Pray For People

Philippians 1:9-11 Do you ever find it challenging to know how to pray for others? Often, our prayers are quite generic, simply asking, “Lord, bless them, protect them,” and so on. But is there more we should be asking for ourselves and the body of Christ? This Sunday, we will take a closer look at the prayer life of the Apostle Paul and learn how we should be praying for others.

The Elements Of Joy

Philippians 1:3-8 What is the key to finding joy in life? What did the apostle Paul find to bring him joy despite enduring numerous hardships? What brought him joy then continues to bring us joy today. This Sunday, we will explore the elements of joy from Philippians 1:3-8.

Who Is Burleson Bible Church?

Philippians 1:1-2 In a world that thrives on marketing to promote one’s brand, what would the marketing strategy be for Burleson Bible Church? What would be our “brand”? This Sunday, we begin a new study through the Book of Philippians entitled, Philippians, humility, service, hope, and joy. Join us to learn more about who we are as a church.