Sermons from June 2022

Sermons from June 2022

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple

Psalm 11 Rob Matlack brings us a timely message from Psalm 11. Despite all of the national and world issues we currently face, we are reminded that our confidence can only be found in our God, the One who reigns in His holy temple.

A Faithful Father At The Finish

What is a man? That question can certainly bring a variety of answers in 2022! Not only is the definition of man debated in our country today, but so is “What is a godly man?” What is a faithful man and what does that look like today? Does it matter? Is anyone even asking this question anymore? Well, I am. I hope you are. I know our wives are asking. As I look around my small corner of the globe in Burleson, Texas,…

The Face Of Grace

This Sunday we welcome back long-time friend of BBC, John Kanter. He will bring us a message from John 1:6-18. John is a ministry representative for Sojourner Ministries where their vision is to instruct believers in the original Jewish context and perspective of the Scriptures, resulting in richer connection to our Hebrew roots, deeper concern for the Jewish people and renewed appreciation for the plan of God.

Life Saver Academy – Part Two

1 Peter 1:6-9 What does Jesus mean when He said, “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Am I desperately holding onto “my life” or am I losing it so that I may save the life Jesus came to bring? We will finish part 2 of Life Saver Academy this Sunday and find out what it means to truly save our life!