Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive

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Thorn Crusher

Hebrews 12:1-4 This Sunday we are pleased to have Joe Allen bring a message from God’s Word. Joe Allen, after pastoring for thirty years, now serves as the Campus Pastor at Dallas Theological Seminary. Join us Sunday as he brings a message from Hebrews 12. “The Christian life is a race. How do we enter the race? How do we run the race? How do we win the race?”

Life In The Spirit

Romans 8:9-11 As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the incredible blessing of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. All that we need for life and godliness is already ours because of God’s gracious gift of His indwelling presence. Because of God, we have life! This Sunday we will see the many benefits of having life in the Spirit. 

Praise, Proclaim and Pray

Psalm 35:27-28 say, “May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, “The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.” My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.” This Sunday, we will take a break from the “norm” and center our worship service around praising God through song, proclaiming His wondrous works through testimonies, and pray for Him to continue His work in and through BBC. You will not want to miss this blessed…

The Peace From Pleasing God

Romans 8:5-8 Our world today is characterized by unrest, a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation. From the crisis in Israel to the strife in Washington, to the struggles within our own families and even in our hearts, unrest seems to reign. But there is a peace that God offers that is in stark contrast to the unrest in our world. A peace that God says passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7,9). This peace is only found in Christ Jesus and…

Walk In Victory

Romans 8:1-4 Much has been taught about the believers inability to live the Christian life by the Law or self-effort. Paul has made it clear that nothing good dwells is our flesh. So, if we are incapable of living our Christian lives by the flesh, how then do we live victoriously in this life? Paul answers that question in the next section of Romans chapter 8:1-4.

The War Within

Romans 7:21-25 We all know that there are many battles raging in the world around us, but there’s an even greater war raging within us—the war for our soul. In Romans 7:21-25, the Apostle Paul shares with us that there is a raging battle inside of us between our flesh and the Spirit of God. Every day is a battle, and we must first understand the nature of this battle. Then, by God’s grace, we can call on Jesus to…

The Struggle Is Real

Romans 7:14-20 Have you ever felt the tension between how God says you should behave and how you actually behave? Do you experience remorse, regret, and even sadness over this discrepancy in your life? If you answered “Yes” to this question, you are not alone. The Apostle Paul also experienced this tension in his life and exclaimed, “Oh wretched man that I am!” Recognizing this tension in our lives as believers is a good thing. It demonstrates that we have a desire…

Search For Truth Ministries

This Sunday morning we welcome our special guest, Bruce Malone from Search for the Truth Ministries. He will be sharing on the Awe of God. He will be speaking in both the Adult Bible Fellowship at 9:15am and our 10:30am worship service. One of the main causes of losing the younger generation is the absence of the sense of awe towards God, which is often diminished during their education. Explore the lesser-known characteristics of amazing creatures and learn why it is scientifically…

The Deception Of Sin

Romans 7:7-12 Sin leads to death. Sin is always crouching at the door (Gen. 4:7). Sin always leads to death. So, if this is all true, and it is, what is the believers strategy to combat sin? Well, the first thing we need to know is how temptation to sin works in our lives. This Sunday, we will see how sin deceives us and brings death in our lives. 

Falling From Grace

Romans 7:1-6 Have you ever heard the expression, “Fall from Grace”? Many have used this expression to communicate that a person, once saved by Christ, can fall from that same grace that eternally saved them. Here at BCC, we do not adhere to this teaching. We believe that once a person has been saved by grace, they are eternally secure in the grip of God’s unfailing grace.  Yet, there is still a way in which believers can fall from grace, in a sense. Paul says…

Experiencing Eternal Life, Here and Now!

Romans 6:15-23 Are you currently experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promised to those who believe in Him? As per His promise, His coming has brought an abundant life upon all believers. However, the question remains, how can we determine whether we are indeed experiencing this life and what does this life entail? The Apostle Paul has provided answers to these pressing questions in Romans 6:15-23. Our comprehension of eternal life plays a pivotal role in our ability to experience the abundant…

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

Romans 6:12-14 Joshua challenged his Israelite brothers and sisters saying, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve“.  Christians today have this same choice, daily. Either we choose to serve sin and self, or we choose to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other option. This Sunday, Paul draws the line in the sand in how we choose to live as believers. Either we choose to serve self (flesh/sin nature) or we choose to serve Jesus, the Lord of…